hee.. pai seh..
tole u all tat gg 2 continue ltr yest after my dinner n tv shows..
but.. i watch till 1230 liddat lei..
den if i tat time switch on comp..
my mum will surely scold n nag at me la..
hmm.. tink continue ba..
okie.. i stop on sat (23/12)..
abt gg de place at afternoon..
hmm.. den reach there abt 3 plus i tink..
din check de time when me n bro reach there..
den after reaching we start discussing wat 2 cook 4 xmas eve party..
den we discuss till late 4 plus..
den off we went 2 toa payoh hdb hub there 2 shop 4 ingredients..
den reach is lyk early 5 plus..
n we decided 2 makan 1st..
when we went 2 de stall..
de auntie tole us haven start selling those food we wan so we waited 4 30mins..
wa.. damn hungry la..
almost gobble down de food..
tink i continue my dis long post ltr ba.. as in mon la..
wanna slp le..
gotta meet lihua 2 accompany her 2 register 4 yoga course..
oh ya.. i register 4 yoga course le! yea!
i noe quite 'long' la.. dis post..
but i really wanna slp la..
so ciao~
opps.. i din update my blog for about 10 over days le ba
hee.. pai seh la..
no mood 4 entry ma..
nvm la.. now i shall post u all de stuffs tat happen 2 me okie?
hahas.. so i tink will b quite long ba.. prepare hor.. =P
erm.. where shld i start lei..
okie.. last sun or issit last last sun?
okie.. i mean de 17th of dec la..
tat day damn heavy rain la..
im out wid my religious frens la..
den sm of them r fr msia..
so show them arund lorx..
we went vivo city chinatown den bugis..
it was when we went 2 bugis..
de rain is really really really big lorx..
tell u ar..
my pants de bottom part soaking n my flip-flops sandals too..
so wet la..
den de uncle brought us out de keep on asking us 2 walk here n there..
in de rain la..
of course we gt umbrella la..
but still we gt abit wet la..
den after meeting i rush 2 meet my godsis lihua..
was v late 2 meet her la..
den smmore de bus din come until lyk 20 mins ltr liddat lorx..
so ended up cancelling de reservation 4 dinner lorx..
but still we went changi de sakae sushi 2 eat..
im damn full tat day la..
den tat day reach hm 12 liddat lorx..
mum's abit angry.. oh man..
but she din say anytink de next day..
den on mon (18/12) wanted 2 go sentosa wid amelia de..
but was oredi drizzling when i wake up lorx..
so cancelled de trip lorx..
but meet up her 2 shop 4 xmas prezzie instead..
bought 2 prezzies..
1 for him.. n de other 1 for de exchange of prezzie at my religious party..
den tat day was wondering when can i pass de prezzie 2 him or am i even gg 2 pass it 2 him lorx..
so i bought prezzie 4 him.. u all guess did i pass 2 him?
hmm.. shant tell u all now..
read on ba.. den u will get de ans..
hee.. =P
den tues (19/12)..
i was at hm i tink..
ya.. i was at hm.. so tat day abit sian ba..
den comes wed (20/12)
i went sch do ob n mbs project..
den when we were juz starting 2 do our mbs project
1 of my fren nd 2 go le.. 4 her dental appointment..
so she went off..
den arund 115 liddat..
another fren nd go out wid frens..
so oso went off..
den arund 130 liddat..
i suddenly rmb i gotta wk at 2 lorx..
smmore nvr eat my lunch lorx..
so went 2 grab two sandwiches..
n tat's my lunch..
went 2 teach 2 classes..
tell u ar.. abit quite saddening la..
cos de students there go huh? dis cher ar? aiya.. i dun lyk dis cher lorx..
haix.. am i really nt tat nice?
im fun when im playing wid them ma.. they r all laughing ma..
how come liddat?
hmm.. go there den my head oso almost get injured la..
tat idiot jacky la.. keep hitting my head wheneva he c me la..
but still gt others.. quite shock when c me..
quite alot of them goes ai?! y u here? den *wave hand*
tat day tell u ar.. damn tired la..
shag le~
thrus.. i went back sch again..
2 continue wid my mbs project..
den de fren tat has dental appointment yest oso nd 2 accompany her sis 2 dental appointment today..
so we ate our lunch in sch..
den i went 2 cs wid wei yun 2 shop xmas prezzie
cos i nd 2 more.. den she gotta get 1 too..
act is wan 2 go out wid wei yun on fri de..
den amrita msg me..
saying tat we cant meet ltr on as in after project..
so i ask wei yun go out tat day instead..
den ltr amrita call me saying can go out together le..
so when wei yun done wid her own shopping..
she went hm.. den left me walking arund cs aimlessly..
while waiting 4 amrita lorx..
den we went 2 pp 2 shop 4 prezzie..
bought 2 again..
den when we were preparing 2 cross..
erm.. act nt crossing..
cos de traffic light left 2 secs 2 cross lorx..
so i pulled amrita back.. hahas..
den i saw a guy smiling n waving at me..
at 1st din noe is hu lorx..
so stare abit.. den realise is ivan chan.. a pri sch classmate!
wa.. he shot up lyk a long bean sia..
v v tall lorx..
when i realise it's him i smile n wave back..
hmm.. tat day i reach at abt 7 plus
i tink la..
miss de 1st portion of tian wai fei xian..
de 7pm show on ch u.. so nice n touching la..
de songs oso nice lorx..
i love de song by hu ge(de main male character of de show)
de song is called tian liang yi hou (after sunrise)
i noe is a damn sad song.. but is nice la..
hmm.. den fri..
i stayed at hm.. finally after so many days out i can stay at hm..
was suddenly feeling so tired lorx..
dun noe y too..
den sat..
my religious fren ask me n my bro go de place where we hav our xmas party 2 help out 1st..
so went there on sat afternoon..
though de party is on sun..
erm.. i nd 2 go bath le.. i continue wid dis post again ltr after i watch my show..
hee.. pai seh..
i nvr been blogging since long le..
im finally free 2 blog le..
now having break..
as in holidays..
hmm.. so dis entry might b a long 1 i tink..
it's raining now again..
today whole day's been raining non-stop sia..
haix.. luckily sort of done wid my shopping of prezzies..
tmr i gotta 2 wrap them up..
if nt enuf gotta buy smmore..
im gg bankrupt liao la..
nvm.. gg 2 wk as temp teacher tmr..
my last time de childcare person msg me..
ask me 2 wk for 4 hrs..
finally gg back there n c them le..
i wonder if they still rmb me anot lorx..
n oso wich students will i teach tmr lorx..
i tink tmr de mood during de project will b quite sian ba..
mayb ba..
c how ba..
my fren's gg 2 help me do my nails.. hee..
now my brain lyk cant focus lei..
alot of tinks gg on at de same time lorx..
im so gg 2 get myself back 2 de old self..
where i will get happy over even small stuffs n so carefree..
haiya.. dun talk abt those unhappy stuffs..
those unhappy feelings will soon go away le..
rmb tat when i gt 2 papers on thrus..
de 2 most dread papers lorx..
both on de same day la..
so de day b4 de 1st paper of thrus im oredi so worried abt de 2 papers..
cos de 2nd paper i din study finish lorx..
so damn scared..
wanted 2 talk 2 smbody..
but look at de contact list hu r online..
only left him tat can clam me i tink?
so talk 2 him..
den he said gd luck n asked me 2 jia you(sm sort of cheering la)
den ltr in de midnite..
b4 i went 2 slp im still scared
so ask him 2 cheer me up again..
he cheered n wish me gd luck n said tat i can do it de (in chi)
but ended up im still scared 4 de 2nd paper..
so since in btw de papers there's time..
i went hm n studied lorx..
wa.. tell u ar..
tat's 1st time im so scared 4 smth la..
im scared till i cant eat properly..
den gt stomachache.. feeling giddy n worst.. wan 2 vomit lorx..
but ltr when im done wid my studies..
i can eat more down.. but still hav mild stomachache..
oh man.. my left hand abit cold now lei..
n i wan 2 learn yoga la..
i noe both no link la.. but i wan 2 learn yoga n my left hand is cold..
oh ya.. took sm pics of de baby tat my mum babysit de..
he's damn cute la..
u will c y in those pics n de tinks im gonna say..

1st.. he will climb up de sofa wid 1 hand grabbing de pillow u c in de pic..
okie.. he's nt so pro la..
so wid our help of supporting his butt.. he manage 2 get into tat position..
dis time round he oso gt a biscuit on his right hand.. hahas..
den turns right n look..

2nd.. he now turns left n look..
he looking as if he wans 2 cross road lorx..
u gotta look right left right.. den u can cross de road..
n he has lots of actions.. while sitting on de sofa lorx..
de next few pics will show sm of his actions.. 

u c la.. dun he has lots of actions?
still lots more.. i din take pic of lorx..
den next 2 pics r de cutest ones lorx..
issit he cute in dis pic? idin even ask him 2 smile lei..
he juz knew there's a camera over there taking him.. den he smiles le..

is a pity tat i din get enough time 2 zoom in lorx..
if nt will b cuter than de previous photo lorx..
dis time he's laughing lorx..
c he really noes how 2 relax la..
went 2 take another pillow n place it at de back lorx..
i tink it's enough 4 today liao ba..
gg 2 talk abt de sunday trip wid my religious in de next post ba..
nd 2 slp la.. gotta do project n wk ltr de lorx..
omg.. it's 318 am liao la..
nd 2 wake up at 815 liddat lorx..
mum n dad will surely scold if they knew tat..
ends wid tots of de moment ba..
tots of de moment: i nd 2 push myself up again..
2 de old self where im happy n carefree..
oh man..
i cant believe it..
im missing amelia, my mummy liao le..
tink she oredi in thai liao..
she went there wid her family 4 holiday..
n me lei.. all alone in spore suffering..
sob sob..
bet she's busy sneezing now.. cos im missing her..
i noe i shld b busy studying now..
but will b sian too de ma..
oh man.. im dwelling on him again..
i sort of broke my promise to amelia lei..
but i juz cant stand nt tinking of him lorx..
im tinking shld i give him up?
liddat i wont feel so worse till i hav illusions..
i tink im having illusions la..
omg.. liang shan bo yu zhu li ye is so nice sia..
is a song la..
shld i or nt?
after de exams..
im gonna make meself busy wid gg out, running,
gg 2 gym, projects n lots more..
i shant make meself having any moment tat i can tink of him..
tat will b a deal to meself..
liddat i wont get too depressed..
but hor..
i cant believe i cant get any1 2 go out wid me on fri lorx..
i wan 2 go out on fri lei..
smbody come n date me..
i dun wan 2 stay at hm!!
i dun wan 2 study now..
cos my mind now is oredi in de i-dun-wan-2-do-anytink mood le..
nd sm1 to talk to.. or sm1 2 scold me 2 go n study..
but hor..
in de day my mood nt liddat de lei..
how come ar?
tink i beta go back n study ba..
if nt really gt ppl come n scold me..
n thanks to esther-jie..
she saw my last few entries i tink..
den came 2 cheer me up..
i din tot tat anybody will come n cheer me up or smth lorx..
oh man.. i realise i din drink any single drip of water since morning?
i muz take care of meself lyk wat i promise amelia..
den liddat can go out wid her..
shall go back to studies liao ba..
end wid tots of de moment..
tots of de moment: i wan 2 shout out 2 him tat: he has no right 2 barge into my mind.. n cause all de pains im having now.. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
seriously, i tink smth's v wrong wid me..
my mood nowadays always stuck in either siao, i-dun-wan-2-do-anytink or sad mood..
how come liddat ar?
muz b pms-ing la..
smbody save me..
mayb i shld eat more bananas..
saw fr a email..
bananas can help in regulating de glucose lv in blood..
so tat means pmsing gt smth 2 do blood la..
so.. i shld eat how many bananas each day lei?
but is there a limit 2 how many 2 eat each day?
smth's wrong wid my comp speakers too..
i turned it softer le..
but it was getting louder by itself after i tuned de vol.
wierd ar?
hahas.. muz b me go pass de kuku virus 2 de speakers le..
or de speakers pass it 2 me..
cos my speakers has been tat siao since long time ago lorx..
today on de way hm on bus..
saw de writings on de back of de seats..
den gt 1 talking abt..
if u like smbody u shld let him go..
but if u dun let him go.. n he doesnt even lyk u.. how is he gg 2 b happy? i den dun wan 2 b so selfish lorx..
den another writing after dis..
if u lyk tat person u shld let him go..
i agree wid de statement when de love is one-sided..
since it's one-sided.. it will b v hard 4 tat person lorx..
den de person hu's being loved is 幸福 de lorx..
幸福= lucky..
so im at de hard side lorx..
so at times i feel lyk giving him up..
it means if u really lyk smtink or person will nt bcos of small obstacles den give up on it le..
but if i everyday become sad bcos of tat..
is small or big obstacle?
den if meet big obstacle den can give up la?
dun tink of him liao la..
these few days i might nt b updating cos..
mid-sem exams r here!!!
it starts at 11dec n ends at 15dec 4 me la..
so after tat..
i will b updating my blog more frequently ba..
i tink i gotta stop here..
cos wan 2 slp la..
1 of my fav song im listening now.. imagine me w/o u..
by jaci velasque..
okie.. end wid tots of de moment!
tots of de moment: i gotta start studying ob tmr during my break!!
oh man..
im at it again..
de dun-wan-2-do-anytink mood lorx..
wat's happening 2 me..
i tink im pms-ing la.. haix..
i juz watch finish de show called "Silence" on youtube..
wa.. y muz de ending b so sad de??
i noe i shld b studying cos exam's at 1 wk's time..
but i tink my mind hear de word 'exam' den sian lorx..
so will in tat mood lorx..
SABRINA.. get over it!!!
smbody juz scream her head out of her or smth la..
muz wake her up fr tinking of him n all tat stuff lorx..
after typing all these stuff seems wking abit lei..
mayb bcos i dun wan ppl 2 scream head out of her or smth lorx..
so liddat..
im gonna try 2 finish my fa tut by today? i tink la..
but 1st muz finish de mbs tut lorx..
if nt wat 2 hand up tmr lorx.. hahas..
i suddenly realise smth..
i seem 2 b using lesser n lesser hahas liao le..
do i or do i nt?
am i getting less n less happy wid my life?
i dun wan my life 2 b unhappy lei..
mayb i shld juz give him up?
so tat i wont b so unhappy juz out of tinking of him..
sm1 tell me.. plz..
mayb now i dun tink so much of him..
after exam den gt lots of time 2 tink of him lorx..
mayb i shld do tat..
shld i go gym tmr when most of my tut nt done yet?
i tink i will noe de ans by tonite b4 i go slp?
tink so ba..
suddenly realise i gt lots of tink nd 2 b done..
tink i go get dinner 1st den finish my checklist one be one fast..
end wid tots of de moment den..
tots of de moment: i gt tons of tinks nd 2 b done.. shld waste too much time on tinking of him.. bleh~
p.s. it's my favourite song of de "season" tat im listening to now : Unfaithful" by Rihanna!
i noe tat song is saying abt a girl being unfaithful.. but de way Rihanna sings it seems nice n sexy.. hahas..
okie.. dinner.. here i come!